Real World Results

Leachman CattleGeneral, Testimonial

In an 1,800 head feed test of Full Circle Jersey cross calves, the Leachman sired feeders returned the most profit. More than Limousin AND Angus! The Stabilizer advantage starts at conception and builds through harvest: shorter gestation, less dystocia, more live calves, heavier carcass weight, MUCH better feed conversion, and MUCH higher red meat yield! “We have raised and fed out thousands …

Technology lead to my success in the oil business– now I’m using it to build a better cow herd.

Leachman CattleTestimonial

Low PAP is #1 for us. Leachman’s PAP EPDs have virtually eliminated brisket disease in our herd. Our cow size is decreasing, weaning weights are up, and fertility is up. Plus our feedlot performance on gain, conversion, and carcass quality are all improving. By using AI, $Profit™, and PAP EPDs we are building more efficient, profitable, and satisfying cattle.   …

$Profit™ is making a big difference in our cow herd.

Leachman CattleTestimonial

We are putting less feed into the cows and getting better production. The entire calf crop graded 93% Choice and over 50% CAB and higher. Out of our first calvers, 100% graded choice or higher. That’s progress!   ~ Eddie Clement, Manager Stirrup Bar Ranch Crawford, CO   The herd is wintered at 6,900’ elevation near Maher, CO. The cows then head up …

For 30 years, we’ve used Leachman bulls.

Leachman CattleTestimonial

The bulls are good – the people are great – we’re perfectly pleased. ~ Tim Erickson, La Junta, CO Pictured are pairs being trailed 40 miles to the National Forest. Tim makes his bulls work. “We use them two seasons a year – early spring in CA and summer in CO.” The Erickson’s started with Herefords and have long preferred the red …

Leachman/TopLine Angus Bulls Have Turned Our Herd into Premium Cattle!

Leachman CattleTestimonial

Leachman/TopLine Angus Bulls Have Turned Our Herd into Premium Cattle! “By using high $Profit™ Angus bulls from Leachman/TopLine, we turned our Brahma based cow herd into cattle that earn premiums. It’s one of the best business decisions we have ever made! We plan to be at the sale in California again this fall – Mike Browning always makes us feel like family.” …