Our Cooperators
We are proud to feature our Leachman Cooperators. These Leachman Cooperator herds raise bulls and have access to all of our proprietary information and genetic lines to make maximum genetic progress. They keep complete records on all traits. The top 50% of their male calves sell as bulls when they earn the Leachman brand. Leachman cooperators typically net two times commercial steer prices or more for their bulls.
We are proud to work with these progressive stockmen and women who are seeking to be the best beef producer possible.

SBG – Kurt & Susie Stranberg (South Devon Hybrids)

TRN – Leland and Karen Turner (Red Angus)

GRU — Chris & Vera Grubl (Stabilizer)

LAM – Triple Creek, Hiram (Hi) and Charlene Lambert (Stabilizer)

RMP – Rempe Farms, Jim & Ron Rempe

RGR — Marc and Debbie Rieger (Stabilizer)

PRM — Pete, Robin & Hunter Mathews (Red Angus and Stabilizer)

KKN – Ken and Karen Knievel (Stabilizer)

KLK — K Lazy K Ranch, Jerry Kusser (Angus and Stabilizers)

HLC — Craig and Becky Hays (Stabilizer)

ROS — Tony and Michelle Rossman (SimAngus based Stabilizers)
Want More Information?
A member of our Leachman team will be happy to contact you through phone or email if you'd like more information! Please fill out our catalog request page to get started.

Contact Us
Leachman Cattle Company
2056 West CR 70
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Phone: 970-568-3983
Email: info@leachman.com
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