Cow Herd Profitability Leachman

Cow Herd Profitability

Leachman CattlePresentations 9 Comments

Lee Leachman and a group of professional cattlemen for Colorado and Wyoming meet at Leachman Cattle of Colorado to discuss what drives profitability in the cow/calf sector. The group explores trends related to genetics, breeds, growth, etc.

Leachman Profitable Herd

How to Build a Profitable Herd

Leachman CattlePresentations 17 Comments

Lee Leachman discusses the challenge of selecting bulls that will make your herd more valuable and more profitable. How do you balance 20+ EPDs? With our $Profit™ model. Lee goes further into depth about the process behind the $Profit™ simulation, how it can be used to pinpoint the probability of a bull, and why our customers are using $Profit™ over and over to …

Lee leachman - RFC - SLA Seminar

How to build better cattle and beef… AND get paid for doing it!

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How do we know the real value of cattle? In his presentation to Superior Productions, Lee explains the concept of $Profit™ and how you can use $Profit™ to predict performance of feeder cattle before making any purchasing decisions. In this presentation, you’ll learn how ranchers are using $Profit™ to identify strengths and weaknesses of their cattle so they can invest in …

Cow Herd Profitability Presentation Leachman

How To Make A Profitable Cow Herd

Leachman CattlePresentations 2 Comments

In his guest lecture at the 2015 New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference, Lee Leachman explains how to produce and maintain a profitable cowherd. You’ll learn about the keys to herd profitability, the production schemes and selection criteria to think about when choosing cattle, genetic trends of the marketplace, and how to market your cattle to maximize revenue.